Tag Archives: time travel romance

Playing Catch Up

27 Mar

Wow, almost a week since my last post. Granted, leaving the tribute to my dad up for a while was part of the plan, but then the weekend got away from me, and, well, here we are at Tuesday.

So, here’s a quick peek at Lucy’s Life at this moment:

  • I’m prepping for my first big Amazon promotion for Mending Fences.
  • I’m working on Finding Refuge, the second in this loosely tied series begun with MF. Tentative release is May ’12.
  • I sketched out a novella yesterday (at least I think it will be that short). It’s a time travel romance with a twist. Tentative release is June-July ’12.
  • I’m also spending time on the first in a sort of SF-ish paranormal romance series. I’ve had the individual books partly written for ages. Now I’m working on the overall series structure to make sure everything works together as well as separate. Some serious alpha males in this series, very bad boys. The first of these should release this fall.

Outside of writing, this week’s list includes spring cleaning the house, including the mess that is the storage room. It also includes finding the top of my desk, which should be declared at least a local-level disaster. The dogs need grooming, the roses need pruning, and the tree guy is coming to advise us on proper shaping of fruit trees on Friday.

Doesn’t sound like a whole lot. Trust me, it’s enough to keep me out of trouble for the week.

Please come back and visit on Thursday for the start of the Mending Fences promo!