Tag Archives: spring

Where did March go?

31 Mar

I can’t believe it is the end of March already. This year is just flying so far! The weather is gorgeous. The grass is just starting to green, the fruit trees are blooming, the aspens are budding leaves and showing their seed tails, the daffodils are cheerily bobbing in the brees, and the air is warm and scented with blossoms and soil.

I really want to dig in the yard today, but the first priority is spring cleaning on the house! I’ve convinced the teenagers that if we clean this weekend, they won’t have to do it next weekend, during spring break.

The happiest of all in my crazy household about the warm weather are the bunnies. They are house rabbits, but the big yard at the side of the house is fenced off specifically as a play area for them. The dogs are friendly with the rabbits, but they play rough, so the bunnies are better off in a secure yard. They went out yesterday  to enjoy the sunshine.

Meet the boys! Smokey Jr. is the gray mixed breed on the right. He is a rescue, found abandoned in a parking lot, covered with grease from hiding under a truck. Who knows where the paint on his ears came from.

On the left is Oyster, a black satin. Also a rescue, he came to us with cigarette burns on his neck.

Next is Chelsea. She is a chinchilla rabbit. Though she came from a pet store, she is truly a rescue as well. She’d spent her first year at the store, living in a plastic tub with a wire top that was too small for her to stand vertically in or even stretch out all the way. The store owner said the only people who wanted her were those looking for snake food, and she just couldn’t sell her for that. I’ll never forget putting Chelsea on the grass for the first time. It took her several days to learn how to be a free bunny, to run and jump and stand straight up, but the other bunns taught her well. Especially patient Oyster, who adored her until she gave in and bonded with him.

Finally, we have Brownie. She is nine, our oldest bunny. The rabbit life span is usually seven to ten years, so we’re grateful for every day she’s with us. She’s outlived two mates before her current love, Smokey Jr. Not that Smokey had it easy with her. Brownie made him beg for her love for a couple of months before she gave in and decided he was a good choice for a mate. Brownie has bad teeth that don’t align properly. Most rabbits will wear down their constantly growing teeth as they eat and chew on wood treats. Brownie’s teeth don’t wear down, so once a month she visits the vet to have her teeth trimmed.  Oh, in case you’re wondering, all of these rabbits have been spayed/neutered. There are enough homeless, abandoned bunnies in the world. We rescue, we don’t breed.

Time to take the bunnies out for more fun in the yard. How is your weather? Do you have fun plans for the weekend?