Tag Archives: my forest

Need more hours!

27 Jun

There are not enough hours in the day. There used to be. I remember getting so much done and still having hours left over when I was younger. Did someone just mess with time while I wasn’t looking? Did minutes compress so that an hour still looks like an hour but is actually more like 30 minutes?

I need more hours. I’m not getting done nearly what I need to this week, even when I’m cutting into sleep to carve out extra time. I have costumes to finish for two teenagers going on a camp tomorrow (long story about why there’s costumes). I have a nonfiction article deadline on Monday that I need to put some time into. The grocery store and I must have a meeting at some point today. I’ve already told the remaining weeds in the yard that they have won today’s battle because I won’t be coming out to fight. And the Helvetican has the day off and wants to hang out. I miss him, dang it, I want to hang out too.

Anyone have some extra hours on hand that they’ll loan me? Even a few spare minutes here and there will add up.

It’s Monday and All is Well

18 Jun

After a very long weekend (made longer by a nasty cold that developed. Don’t mind me coughing over here in the corner.), I’m happy to report that all is momentarily well. Aside from the cold.

What I mean is Mending Fences and Finding Refuge both successfully loaded and are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. Other retailers are coming (I’m sure I’ve said that already), but the books should be available now in all the major formats.

So, what’s on the agenda this week?

  • I write nonfiction under my other writer hat, and I have an article to finish.
  • Reclaiming my flower beds, which are once again choking with grass. Darn stuff. Weed barriers are useless against it.
  • Reclaiming my desk. I should seriously upload a photo of what my out-of-control desk looks like. You’d be shocked that I manage to get ANYTHING done.
  • Catch up on some reading. I have The Third Scroll by Dana Marton, The Book of A Thousand Days by Shannon Hale, and The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan as the next books to conquer on my TBR mountain range.
  • Watch two movies coming out this week: Brave and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Soooo excited for both of them!
What are your goals for the week?
I’ll leave you with trailers for the movies, in case you’ve missed them.

Saturday Stuff

3 Mar

Random notes for Saturday:

  • I always have a wide variety of birds using the feeders in my little urban forest. Two new species have shown up to eat, and I’m trying to get good photos of them so I can get professional help identifying them. I’m pretty sure one of them is a Pacific-slope Flycatcher. Interesting, because that species doesn’t belong in Utah. I’ll post photos when I can.
  • We worked HARD in dance class today. My calves are killing me from being on my toes for an hour. I wouldn’t trade it, though. Irish dance just makes me smile.
  • I’m participating in a St. Patrick’s Day Blog Hop! It’s going to be a lot of fun, and there are even prizes to give away. Every blog in the hop will be giving away a prize, including mine! Stay tuned for what that will be, and click on the Blog Hop sign to the right to learn more.
  • I’m also participating in the Read an Ebook Week promotion on Smashwords. Starting at 12:01 a.m. on March 4, through March 10, Smashwords will offer a catalog of books discounted by the authors. I’m offering Mending Fences at 75% off, to help entice readers into the world of ebooks. Trust me, reading digitally is cool! More on this tomorrow, when the sale begins.

Musings for Mid-February

16 Feb

Ok, mid-February was technically yesterday, but just work with me here…

I’m watching my little birdie friends through my writing office window. While birds come and go throughout the day, the major feedings come in the morning and evening. At those times, there can be a good fifty birds taking turns at the feeders and, for the doves, picking seed off the ground. I fill the feeders at least once a day now, because the strange weather over the last few years has birds returning from the south sooner than they should, just in time to have our very late winters kick in and prevent them from finding food.

They tussle with each other and find ways to take turns, the small ones banding together to pester the big magpies and starlings that like to boss everyone else. One sparrow couple has taken over the birdhouse closest to my window, and several others of various species have inspected the farther one. Still others flirt and play with each other, trying to decide if they’ll mate or keep looking.

My feathered friends like my yard now because I’m feeding them. They like my yard in the summer because it looks like this:
























Ok…so maybe I do miss spring just a teeny bit. Thank heavens there is sunshine today. I think I shall go spend some time enjoying it.