Tag Archives: review

Burst of Happiness: A new review!

16 Sep

A lovely Sunday messed up by tender sinuses, stuffy ears, and assorted body aches can be salved by a few things… a thoughtful hubby who takes care of dinner and tucks me into bed… the DVR recording of last night’s new Doctor Who episode… and finding a great new review of Mending Fences. 4 Stars from Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews! Check it out here: http://www.guiltypleasuresbookreviews.com/2012/09/review-mending-fences-by-lucy-francis.html

Ups and Downs: A new review and more car trouble

19 Jul

I’m doing a happy dance this morning. Romance Junkies gave Finding Refuge 4.5 Blue Ribbons! The reviewer called it “Beautifully written, with heart-wrenching emotions and real life problems”. Have a look:  http://romancejunkiesreviews.com/artman/publish/contemporary/Finding_Refuge.shtml

It really helps boost my outlook on the day, given that the car died last night. Really, car? Did I need this? No, I did not. I think the biggest problem is that we took the car to the dealer when it was needing a tuneup because our usual, beloved mechanic was going to be more expensive. We’ve since taken the car back into the dealer TWICE to try to fix a problem they should have fixed the first time. The dealer didn’t end up being less expensive then, did it? I have a feeling that whatever is wrong with the car now is probably related to something the dealer did (or, likely, didn’t do), but I’m not making that mistake again. Even though the dealer might fix it for free, I’d rather pay our mechanic and know that it will finally be done right.

There are two conclusions to take away from this tale. One: A lower price when dealing with car repairs may very well come back to bite you in the backside and cost you more in time and irritation as well as cash in the long run. Two: Old proverbs exist for a reason. In this case, it’s the one about the car dealer being the worst place to get your car fixed.

Onward and upward! Keep your fingers crossed for me that the car repair won’t be horrendously expensive, okay?

Mending Fences reviewed by Romance Junkies!

21 Jun

Okay, so the cold is hanging on, and a sore throat developed last night, six days into this craziness. Guess who’s off to the doctor?

On a much brighter note, Mending Fences finally got a ‘review site’ review. As much as I love, love, LOVE the reviews readers have been generous enough to leave on Amazon and Goodreads, there’s just something about getting a look from a Reviewer, you know?

This particular reviewer, at the Romance Junkies site, gave the book 4 Ribbons, which in RJ talk means “A book I would recommend to all my friends.” Yep, I’m a happy girl. Here’s the link to the review: Mending Fences.